Monday, 30 April 2012

Not that Sparks... - Lee

Until 3 or 4 years ago the only Sparks I knew were the Euro Pop Bandthat I first encountered in the 1970’s. Euro Pop has never really been my bagbut Sparks are not your average Euro Pop. If you can’t remember them or arejust too young pick them up on YouTube at Sparks band video – ThisTown Ain’t Big Enough For The Both Of Us their first UK hit and a classic.

However, this has got nothing to do with Lands End John O’Groats and thecharity Sparks that we’re supporting. Sparks are a children’s medical research charity whose work aims toimprove the quality of life for babies, children and mums to be or put simply -those most precious to us. There are so many good causes but it’s difficult notto be moved by Sparks’ work. If you have a moment visit their website at It’schallenging and inspiring in roughly equal measures.

So we found a good cause (or it found us through our local contact – NiaWilliams) but that doesn’t compel you to cycle from Lands End to John O’Groats.Do I enjoy cycling? – I suppose so in a sort of cycle down the shop to get apaper sort of way and we did hire one of those Chuckle Brothers Cycles onholiday in France once:

To you

Then two years ago I was tempted to cycle around Wales on the promise ofmeeting a Sparks ambassador in Cardiff – I thought it was going to be MartinO’Neil, still Villa’s manager at the time (yes I’ve always been an Aston Villafan, born in Aston, christened in Aston Church, Dad, Brother, Grandfather,Nephew, Cousins, etc. all Villa fans – you get the picture), but it turned outto be a chap from New Zeland called Gatland – quite revered in Wales thesedays:

Warren Gatland meets Lee

(When my father in law found out we were meeting Warren Gatland hedecided to come and wish us well!).

My memories of cycling 500 miles around Wales are good ones. it’s agreat way to travel around the country and staying in bed and breakfast youmeet some terrific people - the proprietors were really supportive. There are afew aches and pains along the way (for some more than others – Paul) but thedownhill stretches are wonderful and there was a sense of surprise that we didit and satisfaction when we arrived back in Wrexham. 

You may be thinking that Lands End to John O’Groats was a natural nexttrip….. you’d be mistaken. I hadn’t considered cycling 1000miles until Richardcame up with the idea and began organising it. Yes Richard, along with Mike andBarry, I believe the credit for this idea is all yours! Before we knew itRichard was working on the route, had a support vehicle and was talking aboutsponsorship. And that is the beauty of a good idea – it inspires you to dosomething, something over and above what you would normally do. 

Our target isto raise £10,000 and without Richard coming up with the idea that wouldn’thappen. So I’m very happy to be involved with this event, yes I’ll enjoy theroad trip with Richard, Barry, Mike and the support crew – another Mike andBarry, but rather than just do it for ourselves it’s a great opportunity toraise the profile of Sparks and raise some funds that they will put to greatuse. Every £ donated makes a difference and if you can make a donation visit orcontact us for sponsor forms

Thanks - Lee

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