Thursday, 26 April 2012

A neighbour's story - Mike


simple, I was asked by my neighbour Richard (who I actually thought quite liked me).  Just so there is no doubt, It WAS your idea Richard!!

As with many of us, over the years I have donated money to charity but have never actually done anything for it - until now that is. So here goes.... the challenge, 100 miles a day for 10 consecutive days. It's going to be tough, but I'm doing it with three like minded friends - a great support team and I'm sure along the way there's fun to be had  (there is isn't there?)

REASONS ..........

Obviously, much needed funds for a very deserving charity Four reluctantly ageing men proving to themselves that they are as fit today as they were back in their day!!


I last owned a bike (until 4 months ago) when I was 7 years old, after misguidedly thinking my dad would buy me a brand new "Chopper" (remember them? Oh, I loved those bikes) after giving my rusty red Raleigh to the bin men! - 43 years on and I ended up having to buy my own new bike.

Dad,do you feel bad at all?

As seen on Steve Mandich’s Evel Incarnate site 

Between us we're suffering from ........ bad knees / bad backs / swollen leg / leaking veins (what does that even mean?) / swollen tendons / fallen arches / leg cramps, and the list goes on and on ..... but, with all that being said, I'm in no doubt that we will make it.

Our determination, positive thinking and above all else cheery disposition (well, that's me at least) will not let us fail.

However, one thing we could really do with is...................................

a full medical team!!!

Wish us luck and please donate using

 Will keep you posted

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